Centre Hospitalier Abass Ndao - Dakar

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Nom de l'entreprise
Centre Hospitalier Abass Ndao
Boulevard De La Gueule Tapée, Gueule Tapee Fass Colobane, Dakar, Senegal
+221 33 849 78 00
+221 33 823 78 38
Heures de travaille
  • Lundi: 24 hours
  • Mardi: 24 hours
  • Mercredi: 24 hours
  • Jeudi: 24 hours
  • Vendredi: 24 hours
  • Samedi: 24 hours
  • Dimanche: 24 hours
Activités d'affaires
Médecins et Cliniques
Abass Ndao
Abass Ndao Téléphone
Centre Hospitalier Abass Ndao
Centre Hospitalier Abass Ndao Photos
Hôpital Abass Ndao
Hopital Abass Ndao Contact
À propos de
CENTRE HOSPITALIER ABASS NDAO is a public hospital in Senegal. It is located in the city of Kaolack, and it provides high quality healthcare services to the local population. The hospital is equipped with modern medical equipment and staffed by highly qualified medical professionals. The hospital offers a wide range of services, including general and specialized medical care, emergency care, and outpatient services. In addition, the hospital has a well-equipped laboratory, an imaging center, and a pharmacy. The hospital is committed to providing the best possible care to its patients and strives to provide the highest quality of care while maintaining a cost-effective approach. The hospital is dedicated to meeting the needs of the people of Senegal and is committed to making a positive  
show_more contribution to the health of the community. With its commitment to providing quality healthcare, CENTRE HOSPITALIER ABASS NDAO is a beacon of hope for the people of Senegal.


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Questions et Réponses

C est quoi le chef de service du C.A.B.M
En quelle annee fut elle cree et par qui.
j'aimerai savoir si les gynécologues sont disponible les samedi matin pour prendre un rendez-vous?
Voir les 4 questions

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