Chu De Fann Neurologie - Dakar

Chu De Fann Neurologie
  • Vérifiée
Nom de l'entreprise
Chu De Fann Neurologie
Square Service De Neurochirurgie, Fann-point E-amitié, Dakar, Senegal
+221 33 869 18 18
+221 33 825 20 67
Heures de travaille
  • Lundi: 24 hours
  • Mardi: 24 hours
  • Mercredi: 24 hours
  • Jeudi: 24 hours
  • Vendredi: 24 hours
  • Samedi: 24 hours
  • Dimanche: 24 hours
Activités d'affaires
Affaires Générales
Armurerie Tomasini
Consultation Hôpital Fann Prix
Hôpital Fann Neurologie
Neurologie Fann Dakar
Neurologie Hopital Fann
Vertige Dakar
Carte d'endroit
À propos de
CHU de Fann Neurologie is a leading neurology hospital located in Dakar, Senegal. Founded in 1981, the hospital is renowned for its high quality healthcare services and patient care. CHU de Fann Neurologie provides the latest in diagnostic and therapeutic treatments for a wide range of neurological conditions such as epilepsy, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, strokes, Alzheimer's disease, and many more. The hospital is staffed by highly trained and experienced neurologists, neurosurgeons, and nurses, all of whom are dedicated to providing the best possible care to their patients. CHU de Fann Neurologie is committed to providing a safe and supportive environment for its patients and their families, and is dedicated to improving the quality of life of those affected by neurological  
show_more diseases in Senegal. By providing the highest quality of care and services, CHU de Fann Neurologie is helping to ensure that the people of Senegal have access to the best neurological care available.


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Questions et Réponses

Bjr, je voudrais un peu vous parlé du cas de ma mère qui a des maux de tête grave de vertige et aussi quelquefois elle sent que son cervelle bouge alors pourriez vous me réponde pour voir si son cas vous concerne.
Consultation externe de neurologie , faut il un rendez vous,quels horaires et quel prix la consultation?

Affaires Vérifié

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